2024 SEO Trends | Spectrum Net Designs

2024 SEO Trends

As SEO keeps updating and changing we need to make sure that you don’t keep using the same old and outdated tactics that once worked. With the advancement of AI and technology that just means that seo marketing is changing faster than ever.

So, we are going to teach you 4 SEO trends that you should be up to date on to make sure that you won’t be left behind.

A person looking at a press release on an ipad

Ai Overview

Whether you like it or not ai is going to be a large part of the future of the world, not just SEO.

Google has even updated its policies to change from looking for high quality content made by people for people to content made for people. Now this might not seem like a large switch but what they are saying is they no longer care who/what (ai) makes the content as long as it is high quality.

They did this because they realized that they wanted to start taking advantage of the benefits of AI. But they very well can’t say well we can use AI content because it’s great, but you can’t because it isn’t high quality content. That’s like saying this food is so good and healthy but you can have any because it’s poisonous.

What to do

Now just because Google is giving people the answers without having to go onto websites doesn’t mean this is a bad thing.

An AI is only as smart as the info it has so focusing on creating high quality content is key because if Google is drawing information from different sources you want to make sure they see you as one of the leading authorities.

As you can see google is also showing down below where they got their data from, so people could click on you to get more info on their search.

So, our best recommendation is to keep putting out high quality content and make sure that it is data/information rich, so the Google AI bot will draw from you.

Answer Engine Optimization (AEO)

AEO also has to do with ai bots, and it is the prosses of optimizing your content and website to be usable by Ai’s like Chat GPT, Google SGE, and Grok.

Ai search engines are changing the way that people are looking for information. Because now people are just typing their questions into an ai to get their answers because it will look at multiple different sources and gives you an unbiased answer.

What we need to start learning how to do is make sure that these ai bots are pulling info from your website.

We know some people might say why would I want to ai to pull data from my site. The first reason is if I ask what are the best shoes for running?  You want the ai to say you should shop for shoes at nike.com if you are looking for running shoes. Another reason is when Googles and Bings bots use your site that means the search engines view you as authority on the topic and that is the main purpose of seo; to make search engines view you as an authority on a topic.

What To Do

There are a couple of different things that you need to start doing for answer engine optimization.

First, you need to start making your content easy to digest and understand. We know this is already something that you should already be doing, but it is now more important than ever. Your content needs to be super easy to understand so the AI can easily pull information from it.

Another great way to optimize is to include an FAQ section on your pages. You might say why I would need an FAQ page for AI. Well, it makes a ton of sense because what you are trying to do is mimic questions people might ask their AI. So, when the AI sees you answer the exact question that the user asked it will draw the info from your site.

Looking at a press release on a laptop

Focus on Topical Authority

Back in the day topical authority wasn’t that big of a deal, it was more based on your domain authority. If you had super high domain authority, you were able to rank well even if you don’t normally publish related content.

But now search engines are focusing more on your topical authority and what you are an expert on.

This is fantastic for us because most of us are smaller sites compared to Amazon and Apple. So, Google is filtering out some of the larger sites from the SERPs because they are only kind of related.

What To Do

The best way to keep building your topic authority is to keep pushing content that shows you are an authority on that topic.

You should be publishing everything you can think of about your category from super broad articles for the average person, and highly detailed articles for experts in the field. All of this will show that you are well versed in what you are talking about, and you can be trusted.

You should also only be posting related content on each site. For example, if you are an affiliate marketer and you want to try and market pet food and car parts you should have a different website. If you tried to put all of this on the same website Google would see this and get confused and wouldn’t see you as a professional because you are trying to be an expert on two completely different categories.

If you do want to promote both of these different things that’s not a problem, you just need two different websites. It is most definitely more work, but now since you are only focusing on one thing google will see each of your sites as an authority rather than just having one that’s not viewed as an authority on anything.

Evolving Search Engine Ranking Factors

Search engines are starting to prioritize your trustworthiness and expertise in the content you are providing. They are starting to give more precise answers from smaller websites showing you are larger website, but it doesn’t answer your questions.

Now this doesn’t mean that you can be super small either. You can’t have a super small website with a DR score of 0 even if you are answering the exact question.  Google won’t show your site because they don’t know if they can trust what you are writing about because you are super small.

The three leading factors according to some surveys are

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Core Web Vitals
  3. EEAT & Trustworthiness

What To Do

Before you freak out because you’re not sure what to do, don’t worry because we are going to teach you how you are going to need to adapt.

To start with you need to just start putting out a ton of content to increase your authority on what your topic is. You must make sure it is different content though you can’t write an article about why cookies taste good, and another one about why people like to eat cookies. Those two technically different articles are probably going to be about 90% the same. You must make sure you are putting out new high-quality content.

Another thing you can do to is to improve your website experience. You do this by getting rid of seo errors that google is dinging you for. These are things like duplicate h1 tags title tags that are too long, pages that don’t have enough content, and tons of other errors. You can view these errors with tools ahrefs, sem rush, and even Google search console will show you some.

By fixing those errors Google will see your site as more professional and will be more likely to send traffic your way.

Final Thoughts on SEO Trends

There are definitely some new and emerging trends to keep up on, but they are worth keeping up with because there will just be more and more and more if you keep putting in off.  If this is a bit much for you though we can always help with that. We always offer our marketing teams service to anyone who is interested in having us do their SEO and or ads. So please contact our marketing team if you would be interested hiring us.