How YOU can celebrate Armed Forces Day in a honorable way

Celebrate Armed Forces Day

How to say "Thank you"

Armed Forces Day is a day we get to celebrate the amazing work our men and women in the military do. Not sure how to celebrate or properly honor servicewomen and men? Here is a list of ideas to start your Armed Forces Day off right.

1. Attend an Armed Forces Day parade

Show your support for Armed Forces Day and your servicemen and women at an event designed just to honor them. Make them feel special when they walk by and your family is waving and excited to see them.

2. Volunteer at an organization that helps the military

Give your time to those in the military on Armed Forces Day by volunteering at an organization that works with the military or veterans, helping in any way that you can. Volunteering your time for even just a few hours could really help out, especially if you spend time with service members. This could mean talking to them and hearing their stories or helping them out with tasks.

3. Donate

This could be donate your time, money, or goods service members need. Donating to an organization that helps the military is an excellent way to celebrate Armed Forces Day, especially if you include a letter of thanks to the service members. Many organizations also take non-perishable goods such as canned food and toiletries. 

4. Talk to someone about their service

Armed Forces Day is all about honoring the armed forces so why not strike up a conversation with a service member or verteran and ask them about their service? They may not have anyone else to talk to or share their stories with. You may not even have to say anything, just offer an ear to listen. Remember to be sensitive to the situation and do not push any subjects they do not seem to walk to talk about. Overall just be kind and respectful.

If you’re a service member or know a service member click here for a list of discounts offered to members of the military, the perfect way to celebrate Armed Forces Day.
