Do You Have A Social Media Marketing Strategy?
3 simple social media marketing tips for your Marketing Strategy in 2019
Do you have goals set up for your 2019 business year? What about social media marketing goals? Even if your answer to these two questions is ‘no’, it’s not too late to start! In the U.S. alone as of 2018, over 77% of the entire population has a social media profile. What an amazing platform you have, to advertise your business…but, how do you begin?
We’ve decided to provide you with a few basic social media marketing tips to help you reach your company’s success on social media – once you’re done reading you’ll have everything you need to create your own personal Social Media Marketing strategy for this coming year. To better create a social media marketing strategy, it’s a good idea to understand the purpose of the plan, who your audience is, and why it’s important to create goals for your platforms. Developing a social media strategy is important because we all know how fast time can get away from us, and marketing isn’t always the first thing on our priority list, your social media marketing plan will be an outline that will make it easier to have something to stick to so that you don’t lose sight of your goals for the year and also when you’re in a pinch of time, and are having some problems knowing what to post or how to show off your business, you have a game plan to keep pushing.
Set Business Goals...
When you start your own social media marketing strategy for your business, the first and most important thing that you can do is set your business goals. Setting goals for your business will give you something to work towards over an extended period…it will help you stay on track and not lose sight of what you are trying to accomplish. Whatever the goal is, make sure that it reflects your business properly, and will ultimately get your business closer to where you want to be one or five years from now! The most meaningful & valuable metrics to watch include but are not limited to leads generated, web referrals, conversion rate, and post engagement. The goal doesn’t have to be complicated or long, just make sure that its time sensitive & lines up with your overall business goals.
Know Your Audience
So, you’ve got 2-3 good goals that line up with the direction your business is going, now what? Get to know your audience. Who are you marketing to? What are their interests, likes, and dislikes? How can you best appeal your product or service to that specific grouping of people? This is not only your CURRENT audience that you will learn through research & tracking your current client demographics, but also the audience that you want to attain! Think proactively, making sure that you are posting content for the people that you WANT to reach. This step is CRUCIAL in making sure that you are creating content that your ideal audience will engage with, share, like, post about, and follow. Check out this free guide to Facebook analytics to make sure you are getting the most out of your Social Media Marketing.
Not only is Facebook Analytics a great tool to use in order to get to know your audience better, but using tools like Google Analytics & Webmaster tools will also give you some great statistics to make sure that you are doing your absolute best to get your content to the correct people.
Gain Insight From Competitors
Okay, so you’ve started posting great content, for the audience you have & also want to attain in the future…is that it? NOPE! Now comes the competition! Pick 3 of your biggest competitors – chances are
good they are already on social media and maybe even knee-deep in efforts to win over the same audience you are…so, use it as a learning experience, watch what they are doing, what is working for them and what isn’t, researching your competition isn’t something you can do in one afternoon, it takes many weeks, if not months of following along, seeing what they are doing & what is working for them. This should help give you better insight into what you have to do to create your unique content to capture your audience.
Okay, so there you are, 3 social media marketing tips & a few simple steps to get your social media marketing off to the right foot this year, so one last step to remember is: take your 2019 goals and crush them! Make this year the year for your business, and when you do, send us a message to let us know how we helped.
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